Comentarios de los clientes C-Tough - CECCORP

Comentarios de los clientes filtrado por C Tough

Close-up of hemp-wrapped knife handle

How to use Epoxy to Wrap Knife Handle with Hemp Cord

Knife-making is one of many applications for our C-Tough epoxy adhesive. Cadsandblades recently used our C-Tough epoxy adhesive to finish off a knife handle with a hemp cord wrap. The results were great! Here are his instructions on how he did it.
A knife maker tests our C-TOUGH

Un fabricante de cuchillos prueba nuestro C-TOUGH

Uno de nuestros clientes fabricantes de cuchillos probó C-TOUGH y tuvo la amabilidad de grabar un video de la prueba...
C-Tough Review | Mike Jones

Revisión de C-Tough | Mike Jones

Epoxy Strength Test | KCKnives

Prueba de resistencia epoxi | KCKnives